Friday, January 13, 2006

Well, I'm up...And since I didn't put a picture up last time I gotta make up for it this time. What I'm gonna do is put up a few things from last month I did for school. I had to draw and model 5 characters and do the textures for all 10. Taught myself a shit load of stuff from 3ds Max to after Effects and Painter 9. What a stressful 3 months, shit.

This was an early sketch of an elvin twin. We ended up calling her Carmella. The ideation of these characters where on the fly since the Art Lead did things ass backwards. So in turn, every thing had to be created in 2 weeks. Prior to that I had to learn to model characters.

This is how the model turned out, not bad except our game engine didn't support transparencies...Dumb DX9. That,s the lock of hair in the back.

My first model turned out okay, but it's clear it was a learning dummy, modeling and texturing. The textures for that character took waaaaaaay to long on the account of trying to have everything match up where the seams were and learning what does what. Due to a lack of time I couldn't fix the low contrast issues in the skin and tight outfit. We called her Izuma., well I did, cause they pick a non- Japanese name.

Okay, gonna stop here, there's more I wanna put up in regards to this group project and junk, but I'm gettin' ahead of myself. So before I go, I'd like to give a shout out to the man responsible for this, KCP and holla at my boy from the old school Hue-B crew, Adam. Haven't seen him since he was a professional Boxer.
