Thursday, December 07, 2006


Here's an animation I did by first filming myself with my webcam, then playing it in window's media player, and going frame by fram and copy & pasting each frame into photoshop on a new level. 247 frames later, I then went through each frame and went over them with the desired look I wanted. Playing around with filters and other things, since I didn't want each layer to look exactly the same it took some time. Then I put it into imageready, then I turned it into a gif file so it could be animated. It's supposed to be cheesy over the top acting, so don't mind that, it's just for the fun of it and so there was lots of movement to play with. bam bam you're dead. I'm also dead after the many many hours it took me to make this. It may take a moment to load since it's so long, I don't know. Enjoy! (If blogger can even post this thing right, oh, and make sure you click on it to see the full size, I don't know how big the thumb nail is gonna be.)